

October 30, 2006 – 7:30 p.m. – 4017 County Hwy JJ


The meeting was called to order by Mark Sherven at 7:30 p.m. Johanna Solms certified that the meeting notice had been posted at the Black Earth State Bank, Amcore Bank in Mt. Horeb, on the front door of the Town Hall and on the town website, www.townofvermont.com; also published in the News Sickle Arrow and the Mount Horeb Mail.

Members present: Barbara Grenlie, Donald McKay, Mark Sherven, Jim Elleson, Bruce Ellarson, Eric Haugen, and Johanna Solms.


Motion was made by Barbara Grenlie, seconded by Donald McKay and carried to approve the meeting agenda.


Motion was made by Jim Elleson, seconded by Donald McKay and carried to approve the amended minutes of the September 18, 2006 meeting. Motion was made by Barbara Grenlie, seconded by Jim Elleson and carried to approve the minutes of the September 25, 2006 meeting as amended.

discussion with David and Julie Egger regarding PDR for property on Moe Road

The commission reviewed a map, copies of the card file and tax roll records, a timeline from the Eggers, copies of various correspondence between 2003 and 2006 and a copy of County ordinance 10.16(3)(a). Corrections to parcel numbers were noted.

When the Eggers sold parcels 0706-232-8520-9 and 0706-232-9350-1 to Michael Smith along with a PDR, did they still have a PDR remaining with parcel 0706-143-9400-0? The commission reviewed the materials and identified contradictions between opinions from Dane County officials. Regardless, the Vermont Land Use Plan must be applied to the property as it was owned as of January 1, 1985.

There was discussion of ordinances 75-17 and 75-06-9 defining contiguous parcels. There was no certified survey prior to 1985 to create one or more separate parcels. There was also no home on the property at the time of the 1985 LUP.

It was moved by Barbara Grenlie, seconded by Eric Haugen and carried unanimously that because the 27 acres belonging to the Eggers was contiguously owned and identically zoned as of January 1, 1985, that parcel was entitled to one PDR. That PDR was transferred to Michael Smith along with 18.5 acres consisting of parcels 0706-232-8520-9 and 0706-232-9350-1; therefore none remains on the Egger’s 8.5 acre parcel 0706-143-9400-0.



Jo Solms will draft a letter to Majid Allan at Dane County and provide a copy of the minutes from this meeting.


CONTINUATION OF WORK ON Policy and procedure manual


There was discussion of whether highways and streams create separate parcels, of maps provided to Jo Solms by the Land Information Office, and of Donald McKays’ draft regarding siting.


Motion was made by Bruce Ellarson seconded by Barbara Grenlie and carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m.


Johanna Solms, Plan Commission Secretary